
Life | AJESH KUMAR N K | 23/06/2020

The climate was so seamless in the site.

The birds in the dancing trees were singing to the blowing wind.

The sun was getting ready to set through the woods in the west.

The associates were about to catch the buses heading to their cities.

The guy was walking to me reminded a flowing kite in the air.

He was so desperate, while we were on ‘Walk the Talk’.

His eyes were like stars already dead, at several light years distant.

He had perfect sense, but gone in vain during the course.

His body was so beautiful, but altered in a different shape.

He was an only son of a teacher and he was a data-mining engineer.

He said, hey Boss… You are a champion, please help me.

He said, are you hearing her murmuring to my companion?

He said, are you feeling her smell in my companion?

He said, are you watching her tags in the profiles of my companion?

He said, I see truths, even in the dark, as I am mining in the chronicles.

His companion’s body evolved a perfect shape with her.

His companion’s dogmas became crystal clear through her.

His companion’s senses became more logical with her.

His companion’s soul attained absoluteness through her.

His companion shone like a diamond with her.

Glory of the guy drained through her to his companion.

His flawless logic, has no sense by then.

He said, terminate her from this enigmatic campus.

If rules permitted, I would have axed her on last autumn.

Hey boy… You were too my distant companion…!